Demon Dreams

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Demon Dreams
Post # 1
For the past two weeks I have had dreams about demons manifesting into human form and trying to kidnap me, trick me, and assault me. I can’t tell if this is the same demon but I’ve had these dreams when I was younger as well. Two different dreams that are identical to the ones I have now. In these dreams, I have to figure out that it’s a demon or it doesn’t leave me alone.

These dreams are really starting to freak me out. Thoughts and advice?
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Re: Demon Dreams
Post # 2
From a phychological perspective they could be qualities you 'demonize', either in yourself or other people.

Also were you raised in a family where the concept of demons/ hell/ the Devil were a prominent fear?

If it is something spiritual I would probably do a cleansing/ banishing. But it would be helpful to know why the spirit is there in the first place.
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Re: Demon Dreams
Post # 3

Grew up in a very religious family but hell/demons were never a big fear.

These dreams are reoccurring from when I was little, and are exactly the same each time. My views of others has changed since then, so it's confusing.
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Re: Demon Dreams
Post # 4
It could be reflecting a trust issue you have. Maybe you're afraid of being deceived or stabbed in the back?
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Re: Demon Dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Dreams are a tricky thing, and are created by our subconscious mind to work through problems in our lives. They also speak in metaphors and hints/suggestions. While these demons are very scary and could mean actual demons, more than likely they aren't. Dreams involving demons or demonic creatures is often a sign that you're scared of someone you know or people you know turning out to be evil or having a parent/family member stab you in the back or be unkind towards you or another. If the dream is waiting until you figure out these creatures are demons, and its been a repetitive occurrence, its definitely waiting for you to figure out its message. The mind will keep manifesting this dream until the issue is either resolved/worked through or at least figured out.

Insomnia, sleep paralyses and other issues with sleeping can also induce nightmares, as well as extremely cold rooms.

Reflect on your life right now, every aspect of it. Cleanse yourself and your space if possible and stick an amethyst under your pillow if you have one. Keep a dream journal as well and write down everything that happens as soon as you wake up, as something could have changed without you realizing it.

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