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Post # 1
I need some help. The spirit of my mother is with me and I want her gone. She wasn't a revert good person in life and she is certainly not in death. She's been haunting me since she died in 93. She's shoved my children down stairs and made my life extremely difficult at times. I have 3 other spirits that watch over me that I don't want to go but she needs to go. If anyone can help me I would love any input.
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Re: Spirits
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Gotta love family. I'm sorry to hear this. I'm assuming you've told her to back off and leave, so I guess you'll have to force her out [The Uncle Phil method lol] Since she's attacking your children, I would give them protection charms and tell them to wear them [you can bless a friendship bracelet. Charge chards with protective energy, say a chant if you wish, then have the kids make their own bracelets. This will personalize it to them and charge it with more energy. If they are old enough, you can all say a protection chant together] As a family you can cleanse the house, or do it by yourself [or do it in a subtle way if you don't want the kids knowing about magick] Do a spring cleaning or Mari Kondo your home, have the kids do their rooms and help in the larger rooms but use cleaners you have made or charged with protective properties. A simple one is an infusion of lemon, saltwater, and rosemary. [you can also use Florida Water, or google cleansing/cleaning recipes online] If you want to use your own cleaning products, be sure to charge them with energy and say a cleansing/protection chant so you infuse it with energy [not sure how well it would work with chemical cleaners, but give it a try]

Once the house is cleaned you can burn sage or other cleansing incense in the home. Walk throughout the home wafting the smoke throughout [make sure the doors and windows are open] and say a chant expressing your desired intent [something like "*mother's name* you are no longer welcome in our home. Leave this space and leave us alone"] When finished, shut all the doors and windows and anoint them with a protection oil, or another protection item [you could draw a protection symbol with your finger on the door/glass] as well as hang protective symbols above each door in the house to protect each room and entrance. You might also consider leaving out a few bowls of salt in the corners of the rooms to absorb any negative energy, as well as sprinkling a circle of protection salt around your property line to keep her out. Finally, if you work with any deities, you can ask them to watch over your home and keep her out. [you can also ask any local land spirits to keep your mother away, but only if you're on good terms with them. Leave a few offerings outside as thanks for them keeping an eye out]

If you want more step by step spells/rituals, let me know, but that should do the job. Just remember to "lock the door" once you throw her out [aka, after cleansing, protect yourself, your family, and your home so she doesn't return]
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Re: Spirits
Post # 3
Thank you so much my children are grown now. I just found out yesterday during a psychic reading that she is still here with me. She is probably the reason I keep having my own accidents and am so anxious all of the time. I honestly thought I had gotten rid of her. But now I know how to do it so thank you for the advise. It is greatly appreciated.
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