How can I see or feel?

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How can I see or feel?
Post # 1
How can I feel or see spiritual creatures?
Do I need meditation for that?
What should I do?
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Re: How can I see or feel?
Post # 2

The answer differs from one person's belief to the next. Some people can sort of "feel" a spirit, while some use divination to tell if one is present and to communicate. Some people use scrying, similar to how the Goetic system uses the Triangle of Art (a black mirror inside an elaborate frame, to contain a spirit) to have what they believe is a visual interaction.

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Re: How can I see or feel?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
A good way to start would be practicing energy work. Try different methods of sensing energies first. Something I recommend is finding several clear quartz crystals, charge them with different emotions (ie: one is anger, one is love, etc.). Then hide them under a cup (one cup per crystal, and make sure you have some sort of indicator which crystal is what emotion under the cup), mix the cups around, and sense which crystal is which emotion. You should not be able to tell which emotion it is from the outside, it should be solely energy based.

Spirit communication can start as easily as with a pendulum. You should make sure you cleanse and ward your area first though, and make sure the wording of your wards is very specific and covers all grounds so nothing dangerous can get in. Many people establish "House Rules," which outline what spirits can and cannot enter and what intentions cannot enter. I hope this helps.
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