Bird omen?

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Bird omen?
Post # 1
So recently, birds have been flying into the windows of my house, and hovering around the windows as well. Theyre all different kinds of birds, but the ones I see most are brown in colour. I believe theyre sparrows but im unsure. I want to know if it means anything?

A thought that came to mind is that at this time of year, we have a lot of mosquitos. However since my memory is terrible, i cant really remember if we had the same thing with birds last year, or the years before.
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Re: Bird omen?
Post # 2

If your in a place of lockdown then it could just mean the birds are finally getting a chance to fly around your Area. Sparrows are small birds, live in a large flocks and often times are heard singing or fighting one another. The females are a light brown and the males have grey feathers on their chest with a dot of brown in the centre and dark brown feathers around their bodies. Sparrows are also a sign of protection as they defend their nest from bigger birds by attacking them as a group. Their small but are little fighters. If their sparrows they would no doubt have been there the year before and the year after. I myself have a flock of sparrows in both the front yard and the back yard. They do not move that far away from what it is seen as their area.

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Re: Bird omen?
Post # 3
Okay, thank you.
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Re: Bird omen?
Post # 4

Depending on when the seasons change where you are, it could be nesting season, and they're looking for a place to build nests and lay eggs.

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Re: Bird omen?
Post # 5
I had two birds fly into my house the same day someone close to me passed away. I didn’t know he was gone until later that night but during the day the first one flew in around the time he had a stroke and the second was around the time they decided it would be best to unhook him from life support. I later thought of the old wives tale about a bird in your house as a sign of death so looked it up. Some people believe if you kill the bird (never!) instead of releasing it the person doesn’t die. My cat had the second bird and I wrestled it away from him and it flew away. That was almost the exact time his family was deciding what was best for him.
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Re: Bird omen?
Post # 6
My experience made me believe that there are definitely bird omens but not every bird is an omen. I don’t know how to tell the difference
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