Hello all. So I have started a little coven with my friends and me and I've been looking at crystals for our first witchy session together. I've been all around sites looking for crystals and what they are used for yet I get paragraphs for answers. Does anyone want to give me shorter definitions instead? I would appreciate the help.
It would greatly help for you to let us know exactly which stones you are interested in if you'd like definitions.
Ir wouldn't be fair to those here to list 20 shortened meanings for 20 different crystals, when you may be interested in only a handful. And, then to give meanings not knowing which stones you have in mind.
There are articles here on som as well that list crystals and their general properties. Many of these meanings given here already being shortened.
You may wish to search the articles section for such lists.
As well if you are looking up crystals online and the descriptions are parageaphs, you can always shorten the meanings by picking out a few different keywords for the stones, such as, protection for obsidian, or amplifying energy for quartz.
What crystals are you looking for? Providing us with a list of names, or energies you wish to work with, and we can give you a better answer.
If you get your hands on a good old clear quartz you should be golden for the majority of spells. My parents bought me one when I was a child and I use it to this day. You can use it for virtually any spell, then you cleanse it and use it again. It is also rather easy to find and not very expensive depending on the type and size you get. Look for anything in the quartz family such as rose quartz or smoky quartz. These are probably the easiest to find and are rather versatile and welcoming to new witches.
If you are looking for a short explanation of crystals, I suppose the easiest definition would be stones with magikal energy. Each type has its own energy and can help attract or repel your desire simply by carrying the crystal. They can be used in spells like herbs.
Essentially keywords for chakra stones tend to relate to the chakra the stone is meant for and the color. Heart chakra, green or pink, rose quartz or jade, the emotional nature, opening to love etc.
Blue stones relate often to communication.
Purple and clear stones relate, chakra wise, to intuition, visions.
A stone or crystal used with a chakra point need not be a general or typical stone usually used for this.
An example being tree agate, while not being a red stone itself it can represent the root chakra, being itself associated as a grounding (root) stone.
Angelite a blue stone need not only be used in accordance to the throat chakra. As a stone with an intuitive meaning and visionary property it can be used as well on the area of the forehead and third eye.
Spirit quartz, not normally a basic stone used in chakra work, is wonderful to use for this purpose. A great crown chakra amplifyer with a spectrum of color which actually can be used to work with all of the chakras.
It can help to use stones which call to you personally.
And if you decide to work with stones that aren't typically associated with cgakra work don't worry about it. Thete are mant stones that can relate to and work well with the different chakra points.