Heighten Senses

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Heighten Senses
Post # 1
Hi all

Does anyone know if something energy/spiritually has happen in the the southern hemisphere. Or are there some sort of rare celestial alignment ect.

The reason why is my senses and intuition are so to say at a very heighten state. Cause generally I can sense and feel energies if I am relaxed or focused. As friends and family that follows similar paths describe me as a lighthouse with a huge battery. As they can sense and sometime see my energies from quiet a distance, even some told me that they can draw on my energy to help, without me being effect. Like I am a battery to give whatever spell/ritual extra juice so to say. But I am still somewhat on the fence in fully believing them.

But roughly the last few days(a week or so), I dead right every time I listen " to that 6th sense "

Be Blessed and happiness to all
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Re: Heighten Senses
Post # 2
That happens sometimes to many people. I don't think it can be linked to anything going on in the world.
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