Introduction Hi hi ^^

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Introduction Hi hi ^^
Post # 1

My name is Agelio, and im not quite sure why im on this site, or even making a thread for welcoming myself. Either way, here goes.

I am a nonbinary minor, and my pronouns are they/them! I oam looking into decolonizing my craft, learning druidry and natural magic, and be more connected with the earth overall. My family are witches, with my halfbrother and stepdad being Native American. We don't really practice that much, or that often, so that's why Ive sort of taken my own path on how to be a witch, and coming up with rituals and such to celebrate when I can.

I consider myself to be a mountain lion, and I DON'T identify with being human. I am apart of the physically shifting community. I personally really enjoy being there, even if - you know, we still human regardless and cant physically shift. I relate to them much more than I do with the therian/otherkin community. I wont be teaching here the practices of my community, due to the fact that it is heavily unaccepted, nor am I saying that I promote physically shifting. Please do not contact me if you want to become a werewolf from Hollywood, have me bite you, want me to turn you, cast a spell on you to make you physically shift, whatever. I don't do that kind of stuff, and all of that is wrong regardless.

Im really just here to learn information about expanding my craft, and become closer to nature than I have been before. Im still very much a baby witch, and am looking into expanding my Clarividence(meaning seeing things before they happen. People also use the word Clairvoyance, but its too broad in my opinion for what Im experiencing.), and see if I can have these future predictions to become visions in apart of my waking life, not just when Im asleep.

I will take any sort of advice on Druidry, Clairvoyance, Natural Magic, or anything else I should know as a beginner!Thank you so, so much for reading.

Until the next full moon,

- Agelio.

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Re: Introduction Hi hi ^^
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2


There is a lot of good information on here that you will, I'm sure, find useful.

Are you actually saying that you can shift from your human form into the actual form of a mountain lion? Or do you mean that you shift on the astral, or feel that you carry the spirit of the mountain lion inside you. The latter two are absolutely possible, but physical shifting is not. Claiming that you can shift forms back and forth might be construed as role-playing.

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Re: Introduction Hi hi ^^
Post # 3

Yeah, those are good questions! Personally for me, being a mountain lion is a state of being, not a spirit or astral shifting. Its quite similar to therianthropy, except I'm apart of a community that encompasses physically shifting. In truth it's a very tiny part of our identity as a whole, and is more of a connection with the world than anything. (At least what I practice myself. I cant speak for everyone you know.)I wouldn't mind never physically shifting either. I personally enjoy who I am as a mountain lion, but I don't need to physically turn into whoI am to be who I am.

As far as I know, from what other people say, its a very, very rough and long journey to even be able to physically shift, and I have never actually physically shifted either, so that first question is a definite no. I'm not even here to teach about physically shifting, or anything else of that facet. The other two... no, not really (Ive never astrally shifted, and I don't consider the mountain lion part of me as a spirit that I carry with me. I guess you could say my other half, or even the part that completes my soul itself. And not in like a symbolic, totemic way, more like an actual, real part of my identity. As I said earlier, its a state of being, similar to being a witch, or your sexual identity may be. Thats the best way I have concluded to explain what its like.) but sort of I guess?

So really, I am not claiming at all that I can shift between human and animal form, simply that it is a part of my identity that I haven't accomplished nor done. (There's very little proof of it being real regardless)I hope you get what Im saying, and that it isn't seen as roleplayinglol.

Ask anything else if you would like to! I'm all ears to answering anything else. (If you would like to feel free to just privately mail me to continue this conversation.)

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Re: Introduction Hi hi ^^
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Thanks, that clears things up nicely.

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Re: Introduction Hi hi ^^
Post # 5

Welcome to Spells of Magic! If you ever need anyone to talk too or be friends with you can always message me! I am very tolerant of Theriansand I hope i can see you more in the chatroom! :D

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Re: Introduction Hi hi ^^
Post # 6

Welcome AgelioPuma to the website!

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