Korean mythology+folklore

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Korean mythology+folklore
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

Does anyone have any good books or resources to study Korean folklore? I developed a sudden interest in it and would like to perhaps work with it.

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Re: Korean mythology+folklore
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I am unfamiliar with the topic myself but I did some digging on Amazon and found some highly rated books that might be what you're looking for. I hope this is at least somewhat helpful! If you search for them via the links, you need to make sure that there are no spaces in the webpage address or it won't load, so it might just be easier to search them on Amazon by title and author instead.

Korean Folk & Fairy TalesPaperback - bySuzanne Crowder Han


Korean Mythology: Folklore and Legends from the Korean Peninsula - bySebastian Berg


Korean Myths and Folk Legends - byHwang Pae-Gang(Author),Han Young-Hie(Translator),Se-Chung Kim(Translator)


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Re: Korean mythology+folklore
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

Thank you very much!

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Re: Korean mythology+folklore
Post # 4
I know this deviates from the request itself, but a game-changer in my own exploration of Korean shamanism was in fact "Seoul, the Widow, and the Mudang" by Alexandre Guillemoz. It's a scientific article, and I believe you can find it somewhere (doi:10.1177/039219219204015810), and it does a lot to contextualize not Korean mythology, but the living tradition of Korean shamanism which is still active. Otherwise, my suggestion with any magical path (but especially one like this, that's both currently active and shamanic in nature) is to talk to a local, current, practicing specialist, because you'd be surprised with how much context, insight and even tutelage they are ready to offer a lot of the time.
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