Identifying Numerology

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Identifying Numerology
Post # 1
Numerology is a wonderful tool to use to receive messages from Angels, your Guides, and Ancestors. They can help to inform you of what is to come in your future either good news or to warn you of something bad that could occur. Mind you not all numbers will be a message. Seeing all numbers and trying to identify what it could mean is not going to help as much. From my experience I select specific things that reveal the numbers that I need. From the numbers on your receipt, the time, a bill, etc select where you can see where the Universe is trying to tell you something. I get my numerology numbers from the time, a padlock, and from the gas pump on how many gallons I got. These work for me specifically so your way could be different but this is a discovery for yourself.

To identify what the numbers could mean for you, I like to use for interpreting what the message could mean. The numbers for me will usually contain either three numbers or four. It has helped me to understand what I need to prepare for and somewhat to expect. I have had my proof given to me many times that the numbers and what they mean from the website will occur including on the same day! Being able to identify if the numbers could contain a message for you takes practice and insight. Your Angels, Guides, and Ancestors will see you as they are around us constantly keeping an eye out on us. They will see you trying to identify these numbers and which ever way you decide how you would like to receive them, they will start putting the messages into the numbers that you would like to receive from the specific things. Another big thing to know if some numbers are for you to interpret is to follow your gut feeling. Over time you'll begin to develop just knowing that some specific numbers are a message for you.

This style was something that I developed for myself and so I just wanted to share this way to those that are trying to get into it or even be able to help you in your style in improvements as I've seen enough proof for myself that it really does work. I would love to know how some of y'all interpret your numerology numbers or where do you go to get a better understanding on the numbers meaning for yourself. Any additional insight will be greatly appreciated.

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, 9, then you would have the key to the universe"
-Nikola Tesla

Thank you
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Re: Identifying Numerology
Post # 2

All of your posts are very good, just want to reply some of your posts

  1. AboutTesla3, 6, 8+1, and 12:
    • Map of multiplication, 12 Zodiac, 12 Earthly branches, Disciples of Jesus , Tribes of Israel , Gates of New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:12-21) .
    • 12 Cranial Nerves , 12 Chakra Petals on 6-Based Flower of Life , Crown Chakra 144,000 (12x12).
    • Sumerian Time system: 12 hours, 60 minutes.
    • Maybe Yantra , Kalachakra shape (3 Triptych x 4 sides = 12) ? Borobudur, Chichen Itza, Angkor Wat? Fractals ?
  2. What is the algorithm of Numerology at
    • About Life Path Number on that site, but how about (Adoption of Gregorian calendar -Wikipedia) skipping 10 or 11 days, Bible Calendar 1775 , Ancient Luni-SolarCalendar?
    • It seems in Sun Gnosis Al-Buni it also uses a lot of numbers more than 100 for squares, as you can see at Chapter 7 Figure 20, Ch8 f26, Ch10 f27 (8948) and Figures 216-219 .
    • Arabic and Hebrew Gematria are closely related. Arethere any connections with those Angels Numbers?
  3. There are Chaldean, Hebrew/Arabic, Greek, and different from the modern alphabet value.
    • (Sigils, Cipher and Scriptby M.B. Jackson, Chapter 8-9, Figure 1) .
      • Gimel or G with numerical value 3 but in modern English it changed to 7.
      • In Hebrew, there are no Value for lettersf, j, uetc? Substitute by other letters Vav, chet is Het/h, then "C"?
      • In Greek, there are Phi/Ph, Psi/Ps, Theta/Th.
    • Third row values are very different between Greek and Hebrew, also with modern English (p,q,r,s).
    • Also, theres a book (Esoteric Alphabetby Ellis Taylor) which uses the modern alphabet on tarot cards, and different from (Liber 777 Table 1 Part 14by Aleister Crowley) with Hebrew alphabet.
  4. Psalm is used so much in magical books including :
    • ShemHamephoresh /72 Angels are connected to Psalm verses ( Wikipedia ).
    • About 72 angels: Planet, Zodiac, Direction, Task, Order, etc. (, Just Translate).
    • Also 72 angels Sigils ( - Aaron Leitch - Bottom of page) .
      • There is even a rotated 180 Marbas sigil at 69th angel Rohael.
      • And maybe Valacs Chakra at 43rdangel Vavaliah?
    • Psalms verse in magical usage Sefer Shimmush Tehillim (Qabalistic MagicChapter 8 and 19 - Solomo Baal Shem) ,
      • Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, Appendix 4 (Psalm), Appendix 3 (ShemHamPhorash) - Joseph Peterson,
      • and of course ( Power of Psalm - Anna Riva).
    • But Angels magic uses Hebrew Gematria and not English? How about John Dees Enochian magic?
  5. Personal opinion about Ophanim : It's wings symbolize the brains neo-cortex (Bird and Primate) , and its eye in the center symbolizes the Eye of Ra or Thalamus/ Nuclei (still searching) .
  6. The ignorance endangers is also reviewed in :
    • Famous Hindu texts Bhagavad Gita (Khrist-na) , 3 modes of material nature, Tamas, mode of ignorance, Chapter 14 and 17, and others .
      • Upanishads , especially 2 times repeated (Katha, Part 1 Chapter 2, Verse iv/4 and 5) (Mundaka, Part 1 Chapter 2, Verse 8 and 9) .
    • Buddhist Dhammapada Greatest/Worst Taint Chapter 18 Verse 243 .
    • Gospel of Mary pages 15 and 16.
    • Tao Te Ching Chapter 71.
      • Which translation is the best? Even though?
    • That Gnostic text ( The Nag Hammadi Library ) has so much similarity with many Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoism texts, also Kybalion ?
  7. Those frequencies are called Solfeggio frequencies.
    • 9 frequencies connect with Chakras , e.g., 369Hz to remove fear (Root chakra blockage). Widespread by Dr. Leonard Horowitz about 528Hz .
    • Indeed, 639-963Hz maybeused against stress, black magic, and mind control/Vashikaran (tested) .

If not summarized, this would be 11,000 characters long . Im so happy today because I found a book ( Astro-Theology Etymology by Michael Tsarion) that supports all Distortion Magical Alphabet 2 posts.

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