
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Sigils
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Post # 1
If my intent for a sigil is to long, can you break it up Into two? And would it be the same process as one?
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Re: Sigils
Post # 2

So one option would be, is getting your intent to the minimum statement possible.

Example : Long Intent
My dream house will not get away and it will not be too expensive.

Shortened Intent :
Yes i will find the house of my dream within my budget.

End Result :

So just my views on shortening your intentmore specifically to the point. The more specific you are, the better. Specifics will help your sigil be more effective and with more energy and easier to manifest.

Blessed Be
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Re: Sigils
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from General Info.
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Re: Sigils
Post # 4
What exactly is a sigil?
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Re: Sigils
Post # 5
Merry Meet

So basically a sigil is a symbolic representation of your intent which is manifested to your desired outcome. The term sigil derives from a latin word meaning seal which obviously is associated with our familiar English words such as signature or seal.

A sigil is your own signature symbol which is unique to your intention and outcome alone. Similar to a fingerprint.

So basically just think of a sigil as seeds planted within yourself, which in time will take to roots, and then stems, which in time will blossom and bare fruit. So the seeds are are your intent, and the blossom is your desired outcome.

When you imbue a sigil with purpose and conviction, it becomes a carrier and bearer of change in your reality. It's all up to you how you infuse power and energy into your sigil which will obviously determine it's manifestation together with it's desired outcome. Thats the Power of Magick.

Many ways to create your own sigil as I posted in the above reply. Try to shorten your intent to gain the maximum energy and power that's put into the sigil.

You may want to research on how to create your own sigil, by simplifying your intention, from crossing out repeated letters, to assigning numbers, to matching letters with numbers and so on.

I would suggest firstly, reading through the articles on sigils on the article section of this site, there are very informative articles already on the site which will give you a much clearer understanding of what sigils is and how to construct them.

Blessed Be
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