Pagan Veiling

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Pagan Veiling
Post # 1
Hello friends
Is there anyone among us who is pagan and covers their hair? If you cover your hair, do you feel psychically protected?
I just started wearing a headscarf. I feel free from all thoughts and have a clear mind. Do you think you have a clear mind? I would be very happy if you share your experiences.
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Re: Pagan Veiling
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Pagan Veiling
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I veil. I started about a year ago. Long story short, I was at work and felt a burst of psychic energy and was like "Nope, not going through that again." So, I started veiling. I feel it's become so normal I don't notice it as much, but there's a whole process that goes into it that if I did it more frequently, I might notice more of a spiritual difference. Usually, every 3 days I spray my veil with Dragons blood spray and say a little protection. I wash my veil weekly in blessed water; on the full moon, I leave it on my altar to be blessed.

I feel safer [my thoughts are clearer, but that could be a few things and not specifically the veil] I wear mine specifically to block my crown and third eye chakras because when I don't wear them [especially in public] I get a lot of psychic interference [feel drained/overwhelmed by the energy of others. I also have fewer people who see me and go "Hi, random stranger, I'm going to trauma dump on you because you seem to give great advice"] I also do a number of mundane blessings to help me throughout the day, so the veil has become more a personal devotional tool I wear [similar to my pentacle necklace] which is meant for protection, but I also use it to remind me of my craft and ground me.
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