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Post # 1
Hello everyone,

I wanted to post this note as a key reminder for those that are new, trying to get into ordeals that folks could sometimes not understand fully. The biggest thing when getting involved in using esoteric knowledge to benefit yourself is protection. From my experiences I've wished I would have known what I know now about protection as I could have saved myself time and effort and undead souls that had risked their lives as I began to learn about my gift as a Phycopomp. Protection is the biggest key to learn before anyone delves further into the occult. For me as I follow more a Christian faith along with the teachings of the Hermetic Principles is what allows me to manifest the protection and the faith I need for the spell to work. Psalms 91 in the Bible is a very popular protection spell used among the occult. In my own personal experiments I have seen how these powerful words could be used to protect oneself along with undead souls trying to seek God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit which can bless that entity with holiness which can help them being able to cross over.

But reading spells that can give you protection or creating your own spell can create protection for you as our thoughts have so much power that some of us truly do not realized what that means. But also attaining knowledge can grant you a form of protection. The more knowledge you attain, the more that you can better prepare yourself, to better protect yourself against entities that wish to cause you harm.

Two frequencies that I know and have tested that work really well is 432 Hz which can remove entities that have attached themselves to you but will not remove an entity that has been casted upon you by black magic. Which Divine intervention can be very beneficial to someone that is trying to follow a path towards the Divine. Also 963 Hz which can help your body during meditation and it also helps lost souls trying to cross over where some that don't need guidance but just need permission can simply touch the light given off of 963 Hz frequency that it helps them to crossover with little effort.

We all have our own unique way of being able to protect ourselves. I pray that this can help those in need and for those that have any more advice on protection and what else could be applied to better someone for protection, please share!

Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Thank you
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Re: Protection
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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