Reconciliation Spell

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Reconciliation Spell
Post # 1
Have you ever considered working with spirits? I recently worked with multiple spirits to get my OP interested. He’s been hot & cold but mostly cold for the last year. It’s only been a week but we saw each other on Tuesday and he was following me around like my shadow! I used to be scared to contact the spirits below because I always associated them with evil but my experience is that they want to help you. I use the Pathworking method to contact the following spirits:
Lucifer: Pathworking method from Lucifer & the Hidden Demons. I ask Lucifer to allow me to contact the other spirits and to help this work be successful & to quicken the results. I then contact Magoth & Daglus from the book & state my request. (I ask Lucifer to allow me to contact all the spirits & start with Magoth & Daglus, only out of convenience, since they are all in the same book). I use the Goetia Pathworking book to contact the spirits below, I’ve listed their names & reasons for calling them;
Beleth: helps create love & lust
Sallos: helps create love
Sitri: creates lustful desires
Dantalion: makes the person obsessed with constant loving and sexual thoughts about me

I write my desire (specific to the spirit) on the back of each spirits sigil & place it under their candles, which I picked according to their colors. I arrange the candles in a circle. In the center of the circle I write out my full petition & place a 7 day candle over it (I used red). I lit all the candles and tried to go about my life not thinking about it. I thought I’d share just in case others are willing to try. If it works for you, my only ask is to continue spreading the word.
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Re: Reconciliation Spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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