Moon Phases & Herbs

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Moon Phases & Herbs
Post # 1
Are there herbs associated with moon phases? I figured that if there are herbs associated with the Moon and different moon phases are ideal for different types of spells, there would be herbs associated with its different phases. Any thoughts?
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Re: Moon Phases & Herbs
Post # 2

Yes I would say so since the Moons energy shifts with each phases and zofiac/plantary influences.

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Re: Moon Phases & Herbs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Herbalism from General Info.
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Re: Moon Phases & Herbs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

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Re: Moon Phases & Herbs
Post # 5
You can use white willow carry to gain blessings from the Moon and you can use it in your spells
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