sigil question ?

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sigil question ?
Post # 1
Is it possible for sigils, when crafted with specific intent and energy, to exert control over spirits or influence their behavior in a spiritual or metaphysical realm?
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Re: sigil question ?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: sigil question ?
Post # 3
First, I want to address the language of "a spiritual or metaphysical realm." In my opinion, it is better to call it the spiritual aspect of the world, since the material and the spiritual realms are not actually separate worlds. Rather, they are both interwoven together in the world that we live in. This is important to understand because it helps us understand why we can experience and interact with spiritual beings and be influenced by them as well as influence them as we do. With that said, yes, sigils can to an extent to influence the behavior of these spiritual beings, although controlling them requires more than mere sigils.
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