Energy from Crystals

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Energy from Crystals
Post # 1
In entertainment it is often depicted that crystals can be consumed for power. If there is energy that can be borrowed or used from crystals what is the most effective method you can describe? Elixir method, tapping into crystal directly and also safety concerns. I am just curious if anyone has any experience or knowledge in the matter.
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Re: Energy from Crystals
Post # 2
I received a fair amount of energy from this experiment: Get your crystal stand in a circle and write down signs in sand as you burn incense. The stand forgets abolishing turbulence for merit scores wildly in direction of harvest. A volumetric proportion disturbs balance of counter intuitive force. A problematic sequence of formulas provides ancestral genetic information to store antenna device for pure momentous service relationship. A strong durable platitude desiccates poor aptitude for valor.
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Re: Energy from Crystals
Post # 3
So very simple and to the point.
Energy from Crystals or rather manifesting it's energies or extracting it's power and energies is a simple and age old process. Exclude the modern and fancy techniques and just stay true and respect the original process in harnessing it's true potential.

So you get yourself a crystal and you want to harnesses it's energy. Say you get an Amathyst. Which signifies peace, and used for intuition, balance and higher wisdom. All you have to do is, believe in it's power, and trust that Mother Earth has given us her gems to assist us in life. Charge your crystal in sunlight and moonlight. Keep it in an appropriate place like your alter if you have one, or just a sacred space if you are not wearing it or if it's not with you. Respect this little gems of the earth. It all begins and ends with you. Your intent of harnessing it's energy is the key factor. Your belief in it's healing properties and it's energy is what makes the crystal give of it's energy to assist you. It's as simple as that. Obviously practice and belief over time will ensure the most positive outcome.

And remember, pure intent will bring about it's most pure energy. I'm not sure if there is any specific type of crystal you are making reference to, however also remember that clear quartz could possibly be substituted for any other crystal.

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