A question

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A question
Post # 1
Hi, I have a question. My question is is there a spell incantation to get rid of fireworks completely? Thanks!
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Re: A question
Post # 2

Yes, it's called pack a bunch of stuff and go camping for the duration of the fireworks in such a remote area in the woods, that you may or may not get lost.

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Re: A question
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Snark aside, Themortalman is correct in that the only way to stop something like fireworks would be to avoid exposure. People are people, people celebrate how they are going to celebrate.

The best I could suggest magically would be some sort if karma/justice working if the fireworks are being set off illegally or otherwise being used in a deliberately harmful way. With a mindset goal of the local authorities taking notice of the event and catching those responsible. Alongside making a legal report/complaint to authorities.
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