Describe your own wand?

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Describe your own wand?
Post # 1
Personally I like ebony, lignum vitae and purpleheart.
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Re: Describe your own wand?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
My own wand is fairly simple. It is a piece of river-polished birch drifwood I tipped with Kyanite bound by some silver. The rest is a little leather wrap, a couple of feathers, and some red thread.
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Re: Describe your own wand?
Post # 3
I understand oak is good.
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Re: Describe your own wand?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
My favorite wand, which unfortunately has gone Awol in my packed boxes somewhere, is a carved piece of ash with a dragon on it. It's wrapped with silver ribbon and has a quartz crystal on the end, held on with wire.

I'm currently making a new one with tumbled amethyst for a point. :)
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Re: Describe your own wand?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

Mine is a simple one made of 5000-year-old bog oak and elder.

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Re: Describe your own wand?
Post # 6
My wand is yellow and purple striped to resemble something like an Egyptian cane. And on each end of the wand, there is a red eye with yellow surrounding the red rim of and pupil. And in the middle, I used tin foil to make something that looks like a pyramid, and I use it for my hypnosis and illusion spells.
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Re: Describe your own wand?
Post # 7
Mine is a spun and custom designed ebony and bloodwood wand. Total of 13 inches in length. It took a while to decide what woods would work well together, especially for my own personality. So far it has proven it’s worth for every penny I spent on it. I’m truly happy with mine.
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Re: Describe your own wand?
Post # 8
5000 years...trees have absorbed a lot of wisdom.
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Re: Describe your own wand?
Post # 9
Cherry wood embedded with amethyst with the addition of red-tailed hawk feather
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Re: Describe your own wand?
Post # 10
I don't use wands much in my practice, but I have one that I made with my dad as a preteen that's made of poplar, painted green, and has seashells and sea glass attached with wire. I also have a piece of driftwood I use as a wand sometimes.
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