
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Stairs
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Post # 1
Whenever its the day before my birthday, i dream without fail of descending a stair, the world looks liminal with the shades of black, gray, and gold.

Anyone knows anything about this, it has occurred to me for the past 18 years.
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Re: Stairs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Astral Projection.
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Re: Stairs
Post # 3
Merry Meet

So I would suggest that you look more into dream interpretation because no matter how much one can read or explain a sign or occurrence in your dream, these signs and occurrences can be best unraveled by you. Only you can determine what it means or signifies to you, based on your past experiences and your current situations. A dream is a message, a very personal message. For some, the message is very clear and elaborate. For some it's difficult to make sense of. For some it will forever remain a mystery.

However, in your dream, what's concerning is, is that before your birthday you dream of descending a stair, which I would think is a step. Which in my opinion, would be the opposite of growing a year older, because ascending a step ahead should be more appropriate. Like i said, its only an opinion.
And by the picture you describe in your dreams, to me I get this image of this like black and white cubes or square steps if you may call it, in like a topsy turby black and white Alice in Wonderland scene. If that makes any sense.

So probably descending a step from your childhood is what you seeing in your dream before your birthday and ascending a step ahead into adulthood which is in reality.
Like I said, it's my opinion in unravelling your dream. Or you may want to dabble more into dream interpretation.

Blessed Be
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