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Post # 1
Hey everyone,
so i basically watched law and attraction videos on youtube maybe a million times,and i decided to write here so i can have your ideas too as i have questions for you all.

What i understand is hold one image of what we want(the outcome of your dream) and support that wish with goodemotions. Dont forget to show gratitude of what you have.

I am basically having fertility issues. Before we wanted a child, i actually begged spirits and divines to make me infertile as we did not want at that time. However we really want to have one now and I desperately want a baby. Please help me. Should I make a reverse a spell thing(i also dont know how to unwish) or use my imagination and try spells? I really am open to any of the suggestions. It seems like my wish for never getting pregnant become true. People change. I need suggestions. Thanks in advance.
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