spell to get over someone

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spell to get over someone
Post # 1
Hello everyone, i hope this consult finds you well.
I just figured out my partner is cheating on me, i confronted him about it but even though he denied it he did confess that this girl he was talking to was an ex partner of his (with whom i belive he also cheated on his ex girlfriend with). We had a chat and i couldnt bare to see him cry, i felt so bad as if i was crazy for even bringing that up.

After much consideration, i would like to know what spell i could use for finally cuting ties with him, as i feel that what he has done is completly disrespectful to me and the relationship we had.
whats the best spell to not only get over him and to gather enough strength to not fell sorry for him

thank you in advance, love to you all
pd: english is not my first lenguage so i apologise for any mistakes
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Re: spell to get over someone
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Other Spells Discussion.
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Re: spell to get over someone
Post # 3
Coming home in black leather and a large strap-on and letting him know there's a new sheriff in town would actually work best in this situation.

However, that's not for everyone

You will need to first bind him.

I believe there are several binding spells on here.

Start with the one you feel attracted to.

You must steadfastly perform the spell.

Before moving onto the final spell to remove him permanently from your life.
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