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The Candle:
Taper candles typically burn for 1 hour per inch of candle wax. So, a normal taper candle (which is approximately 10 - 12 inches) should burn for about 10 - 12 hours. Temperatures, humidity, and elevation can cause the burn time of the candle(s) to vary, however.
For this spell, you will need to burn your candle for 7 days, with the 7th and final day being on the night of the full moon. The idea being that the energy put into the spell and the power of the power of the waxing moon work to strengthen the power of your spell.
Candle & Burn Time Per Day:
Day 1 - Approximately 2 hours
Day 2 - Approximately 2 hours
Day 3 - Approximately 2 hours
Day 4 - Approximately 2 hours
Day 5 - Approximately 2 hours
Day 6 - Approximately 1 hour
Day 7 - Approximately 1 hour
Note: Be sure to keep an eye on your candle as it burns, both to avoid in fire danger and to make sure you have enough of the candle to burn for the full 7 day time period.
The Spell:
Start by dressing your candle with the rose oil. As you work the oil into the candle’s surface, focus on your intent of drawing a spouse or lover into your life. Visualize it as vividly as you can, but try not to focus on a specific individual.
When you’re ready, use a pin or needle to etch words or phrases associated with the qualities that you want your spouse or lover to have, into the candle’s wax. Try to be as specific as you can. Some possible words include:
Fun Loving
Loyal and Faithful
As you etch each on into the candle, focus on each one and try to visualize this in your mind. You can even chant the words or phrases as you etch them. This can help you build energy, as well as further focus on your intent.
When you’re done, place the candle in its holder and sprinkle the sugar and rose petals around the base. Light your candle and visualize the candle drawing your spouse or lover to you. As you do this, softly chant:
“True love is what I seek to find. I wish for a lover/spouse that is divine. I wish for romance; happiness in love and life. I seek a relationship free of strife.”
Meditate as you chant this, but again try not to focus on a specific individual.
On the 7th day, the night of the full moon, once you’ve done this, and your candle has burned out, bury the remainder of the wax, sugar, and rose petals at the base of a tree. Say a small thank you to the moon as you walk away, and be patient while you wait for your spell to work.
Note: Keep in mind, this will not drop a lover or spouse on your doorstep and it will take time to manifest. Get out. Meet new people. Have fun, and look for new opportunities that might take you to your lover or spouse.
Incorrect, this spell is real, and this is how Magic works. Seven day candles are a popular type of spell. This is a working spell. I have done seven day luck, and seven day money candles. Sorry to burst your bubble Kemonomimi, you might wish to do a little more research.
Tadashi is correct. 7 day candle spells are done over that time period because the act of continual energy put into a spell is meant to increase its potency and get you faster results. 7 day spells are very common and you'll even find candles made specifically for that purpose where each knob of the candle is meant to have an aspect, associated with your intent, carved into it. As that section burns, it releases that portion of your intent. I'd suggest doing some reading up on candle magic. You might find it useful.
@missantrophy Great Spellwork, so much powerful information there, I'm going to try it tomorrow, but other people are not allowed to touch my candle, is this correct?
I never believed in Spells or Magic until I met this special spell caster called James Hydrick ,The woman i wanted to marry left me 3 months to our weeding ceremony and my life was turned upside down. she was with me for 5 years and i really love her so much..she left me for another man with no reasons..when i called her she never picked up my calls and she don't want to see me around her…so,when i told James Hydrick what happened he helped me with some readings,and after the readings he told me that the other man has done some spells on my woman and that is the reason why she left me..he told me he will help me cast a love spell to bring her back. At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try…In 2 days,she called me herself and came to me apologizing..I cant believe she can ever come back to me again but now i am happy she's back and we are married now and we live as a happy family..Am posting this to the forum if anyone needs the man’s help.contact him through his website: divinespell.weebly.com
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