Spells designed to physically transform, change genetics or allow you to grow wings, tails and ears as examples won't ever work. It is something that cannot be done with magick.
She's not hating on them, Godtuber, she's just stating a fact. It's much more helpful to go ahead and let people know what's impossible rather than letting them waste their time on spells that don't work.
Godtuber its not our intent to do this, we are trying to educate. If people stop believing in magick because it has limitations, it's sad, but perhaps this isn't the path for them, or they're not ready at this time. Magick is just one part of paganism and witchcraft [some don't cast spells but believe in magick] what's worse, lying to someone and they feel defeated when after 100 attempts they still don't have a fox tail they leave the path forever, or explaining to them why these ''spells'' don't work, how magick works, and what is possible. It's still disappointing when you learn all the cool things you saw in movies aren't real [i remember being there] but the sooner you fall the sooner you can stand back up.
Wicca_kid, yeah, it can appear on the astral plane, but it won't work on the physical plane. You can shape your energy in any way you desire, but it won't affect the physical realm.
The site allows anyone to post a spell, regardless of whether they understand magick and know what is and isn't possible. Because of this, many spells, particularly those in the ''Fantasy'' and ''Trick'' spell sections are fake. Although there are many spells that are real on this site as well. If a spell seems too good to be true, or allows you things that are not naturally possible, the spell is likely fake.
''Fake'' spells bring nieve people to the site, unaware of real magick. This beings in ad revenue, keeping the site free for the users who actually study real magick and communicate with other practitioners/witches. That's why they remain. Not all the spells on the site are fake [they're just really popular]
Using excessive caps is against site rules, please be careful in future. Also, it is not hating on people to state facts. If a teacher marked your test wrong because you wrote 2+2=5, they aren't spewing hatred at you, they aren't targeting you or bullying you, they are correcting you so you may learn and grow. That's all any of us are doing. [if you're triggered by facts, you should sit with that feeling and ask yourself why]
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