Lavender Bath

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SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Lavender Bath
this spell will cleanse you and take away any negative energy.

Casting Instructions for 'Lavender Bath'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a lavender colored candle
  • a muslin bag
  • lavender flowers
  • chamomile flowers
  • dried crushed rosemary
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a lavender colored candle
  • a muslin bag
  • lavender flowers
  • chamomile flowers
  • dried crushed rosemary
This spell will refresh and cleanse you. To begin, cast a circle in your bathroom. Call the elements, and light a lavender-colored candle. Then blend in a muslin bag a teaspoon each of lavender flowers, chamomile flowers, and dried crushed rosemary. Hang the sachet under the faucet, and draw your bath water, allowing it to pour down through the herbs. Add a half cup of lemon juice to the bath. When you settle into the tub, lean back, relax, and take three deep breaths. Close your eyes and focus on the excess tension and stress in your body. Feel the herbs and lemon draw it out of your muscles and mind. Thoroughly clean your tub when you are done to remove any residue of negative energy from the bath water.


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