Double the Money

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Double the Money
This is a spell that doubles the amount of money that you attract.

Casting Instructions for 'Double the Money'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dragons Blood oil
  • Amber oil
  • 2 one dollar bills
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dragons Blood oil
  • Amber oil
  • 2 one dollar bills

Gather together two one dollar bills that you have saved for this spell. Next gather the amber oil and dragons blood oil. Invoke a dragon to assist you in the spell you are about to cast. Next, plaice one of the dollar bills in front of you. Start applying the amber oil on one side of the dollar bill while you incantation of the following spell.

"I call upon the ancient power
Of dragon's power,
By the Oaks and Trees,
I ask of thee,
To double the amount
That comes to me,
So mote it be!"

Keep repeating this incantation until you have completed anointing the first side of the dollar bill with the amber oil. Next do the same with the dragons blood oil on the other side of the dollar bill.

Finally, fold each anointed dollar bill twice; first fold should be in half from center of the bill. next fold should be in half again long was. then the spell is complete. You would put the enchanted folded dollar bills in piggy band or glass jar or were ever you keep your loose change in.


Added to on Aug 25, 2012
Last edited on Dec 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This sounds plausible. A few things to add. Firstly, unless you work with dragons, do not call on them, especially without an offering of thanks. When folding the dollar bill, be sure to fold it towards you since you want the money to flow towards you. I would also hold the dollar bill while chanting and imagining how it will impact you. This would include working hard and paying down debts, but also savings and fun ways to spend the extra cash.

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