Dragon Summoner

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Summoner
Rock dragon summoner.

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Summoner'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Large rock
  • A sharp Swiss Army knife
  • A hand (your own)
  • Some blood (your own)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Large rock
  • A sharp Swiss Army knife
  • A hand (your own)
  • Some blood (your own)

First take your rock and put it on the ground under your hand, Next, take your knife and cut your hand make sure the blood drips on the rock,Now you need to spread the blood around the rock with your hand.

Next, take your knife and carve the name and age of your dragon(s),finally on a full moon at midnight shine your summoner up to the moon make sure the moon is shining where you dripped your blood,next, toss your rock 3 times, now say "I wish for a dragon with the name of (name) and the age of (age) five"

Ten times, your dragon will come in one or two months. 


Added to on Jan 07, 2014
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work, you do not wish for your own dragon then design it. Dragons are astral creatures you can work with if they choose to work with you. They are not pets waiting for you to pick them. They are astral creatures living their own lives and may choose to work with you if they so desire.

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