Transform into Creatures

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Transform into Creatures
I will make some spells here including magical creatures! Have fun!

Casting Instructions for 'Transform into Creatures'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pen
  • Book
  • Lotion
  • Dragon wings (fake)
  • Dragon tail (fake)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pen
  • Book
  • Lotion
  • Dragon wings (fake)
  • Dragon tail (fake)

Magical Fish
Sit down cross-legged. Take a book and a pen. Write in the book : "Goddess of Mythical Fish, turn me to a fish. Long snout I have, gills I breathe! No ears to hear! Soft and slim body spinning in water! Thanks I give to you goddess! So mote it be!" Visualise you're changing while saying the chant. And then take a bath and put a lotion into your forehead. Make it circle! The days after this, your body will have weird sensation

First put and stick 2 symetric dragon wings at your house wall.Put your body between them and says : "Wings, wings, of wings! It shall grow on my back! Big, wave, and shining it will be! I will flap them as I want and use it well. So mote it be!"And then attach a fake dragon tail to the part of where your tail will grows and say : "Tail, tail, of tails! It will grow on where it will grow. Cute and flap, strong as rock, scaly as it will be! So mote it be!" And then make your own chant to all parts of your accesories, including horns, nails, fangs, etc as much as you want! Go to the forest and visualise you're changing to dragon! Says :"Dragon is shall I be, roar and fly in sky! Burst element shall I be! No humans I'm more! So mote it be!"


Added to on Sep 04, 2014
Last edited on May 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into anything.

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