Dragons Blood

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragons Blood
This will make you stronger as dragon! Please use it wisely. Cause I have tried it before, everyday, I do one of my spell to test them!
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Anything listed in the instructions

Casting Instructions for 'Dragons Blood'


Let me introduce Dragons Blood :
Dragons Blood is a blood that flow in your blood. It will make you stronger as a dragon. How about other abilities? Like transforming, breating fire, etc. You need to train hard to do them!

Instructions Started :
Sit down in relax position. Breathe long and take it off again and again. Start to meditate, around 15 minutes, stop it. Now take a document of your blood and a picture of dragon blood, don't forget the picture of your blood too. Now, take some blue candles, around 3-4. Light them in front of you and take a blank book.

The book must have at least 38 sheets. If yes, write "I want to be half dragon! So mote it be!" in all sheets of your book. Then say what you write as many as you write. Add this : "Candles of Blue, Dragons Blood should I have, when I combine 3 of this, the document, and both picture, I will be half dragon, so mote it be!"

Combine 3 of them and breathe all smoke comes from the candle until the candle wears off! Chant it every night until you successfully transformed. Your blood will getting green. You can check your hands! Your body is almost stronger as dragon, but use them wisely!

How to train your abilities :

  1. Do Ki Grounding, if you don't know what it is, read another person spells.
  2. Stay focused, now visualise you're flying in the sky.
  3. If you want your wings, so you must flap your hands up-down while visualising!
  4. If you want to blow a fire, so you must breathe heavily while visualising, in visualising, it can be smoke or fire!
  5. If you want to get a pair of horns, so you must put your hands cupped on where the horns grow and visualise its growing!
  6. If you want the tail, so lean your body towards and put both hands on your back, while visualising its growing!

If you want the transform to half dragon or dragon, so you must try them all, but add this. Put your hands right-left from you, feel them receiving aura from Dragons. Receive it as much as you can. Remember to visualise too. Do training everyday to gain them! Don't miss a day!

Side Effects

  • Headache
  • Bones stretching
  • Hands and feet turned into claw
  • Your neck becomes longer
  • Horns growing, tails growing, and wings growing
  • Craving for meat and eat more
  • Often roaring
  • Blood turned into green
  • Your eyes colour change
  • Sleep longer
  • Becomes nocturnal
  • Your body is stronger
  • Stamina increased


Added to on Sep 05, 2014
Last edited on Jul 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I'm pretty sure it isn't possible to gain powers or transform into a Dragon physically or anything else really but ya never know, existence is odd. I am 99% sure if it is possible this isn't the way. Also haha one of the side effects is you start to roar randomly and your blood turns green for some reason.

Jan 13, 2020
The green blood sounds awsome

You cannot gain a dragons strength with a spell, especially with this one, as it is obviously fake.

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