Summon an Elemental Dragon

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Summon an Elemental Dragon
This is something I've been playing around with until Ember came to me, my fire dragon.

Casting Instructions for 'Summon an Elemental Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored Pencils
  • A Spot that connects to your dragon's element
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored Pencils
  • A Spot that connects to your dragon's element
  • Voice

Take your piece of paper and draw what you want your dragon to look like. Be careful, for you do not want to insult the Great Dragons that will make your special dragon. Avoid mistakes such as a Fire Dragon that is blue. Once you are done with the drawing, fold it hamburger style and write these down: Name, Age, Personality, Element, and Size. Once you are done with that, chant the following:

"O, Great Dragons.
Please help me.
Create a companion.
So mote it be!"

Then you must put it in the spot. If you have an Earth Dragon, bury it. For fire, burn it. For water go to the ocean, and "drown" it. For Air, on a windy day, let the air carry it. Just know that this will only work for those pure of heart, or those that have dragons as otherkin. Good luck! I hope that your dragon comes to you, just as Ember came to me.


Added to on Mar 27, 2020
Last edited on May 10, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I have dragons as otherkin, which is the only reason Ember came to me.

Mar 28, 2020
''Dragon as otherkin'' do you mind explaining that? Yes, there are a rare few who are Dragon otherkin, but I'm confused about what you're saying. Did you mean you work with Dragons, have them as companions, guides or guardians?

You cannot create a Dragon, but you can work with astral Dragons. This could work with a little editing as a call to elemental Dragons, but you're not creating Dragons so much as calling on a specific type of Dragon for assistance.

Dec 07, 2020
I do believe in magick, and I work with Dragons in my craft. I don't go around saying spells don't work. Many people comment on don't work, and I try to teach people why and what they can do as an alternative. [I even said this spell could work if you altered it and made it a call to astral Dragons]Real magick real witches work with isn't the same as the magic you see in movies, but you can shift your mindset and alter spells so they can work within the natural laws of magick.

Jan 21, 2021
nekoshema helps edit some of the things on the site.

This will not summon a dragon. This spell is a basic outline on creating a thoughtform or servitor. You are designing something and channeling your energy into that form. Think about creating psi balls, it is a similar process but these creatures are typically assigned a task to do and will vanish once the task is done or you stop giving them energy. You could create one in the shape of a dragon to protect your home, but it would not be a real astral dragon. It would just be your energy focused on a specific purpose.

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