Instinkt's Phoenix/Dragon Barrier Spell

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Instinkt's Phoenix/Dragon Barrier Spell
Can be done one or two ways. Phoenix or Ash Dragon version.

Casting Instructions for 'Instinkt's Phoenix/Dragon Barrier Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Phoenix:
  • Four candles, any shape, size or color.
  • Dragon:
  • Pine, Oak or Willow ashes, water.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Phoenix:
  • Four candles, any shape, size or color.
  • Dragon:
  • Pine, Oak or Willow ashes, water.
(The four candles must be burning before you begin the spell)
First blow out the first candle and imagine a wall of fire going up around one side of the area. Repeat until the candles are all out. And proceed to imagine one of the famous Fire birds (Phoenix) Protecting your home/area. I normally only do this spell at night. Lasts until dawn.

Okay, this one might be a bit more difficult.
(The ashes can be obtained by burning the sticks of the trees over a bowl or plate.)
Then, take a bowl of water and set it around the middle/or more focused area of energy in your area or home. Start putting in the ashes and imagine a sphere of crystal around your home/area, and as the ashes go in imagine it layering until its turned a gray color. Imagine a sleeping gaurdian Dragon (Can also be a Gargoyle or a Basilisk) on the top. Suggested for rough storms.

For any questions please mail Instinkt.


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interesting, simple protection spell, haven't tried it myself, but in theory it should work.

Phoenix: unless you work with them, I doubt this works. At best, you created a protection by visualizing a phoenix. Dragon: this does not work. As with the phoenix protection, you are not calling on a dragon, you are imagining one. You can use symbolism in spells, but it does not mean you have summoned a dragon. The ashes will not physically change colour. And placing a bowl of murky water in your home will not protect it, if that is what this spell intends to do.

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