How to Make Friends With Your Guardian Dragon

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Making friends with your Guardian Dragon

Casting Instructions for 'How to Make Friends With Your Guardian Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A candle of any color(for this ritual, candle color associates with dragon's element)
  • Sweet or spicy incense
  • A few crystals and/or shiny rocks
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A candle of any color(for this ritual, candle color associates with dragon's element)
  • Sweet or spicy incense
  • A few crystals and/or shiny rocks
Spell time: May's full moon

Burn a candle of any color, don't use black if you don't want to call a chaos dragon. Burn the spicy or sweet incense. Set out a few crystals and/or shiny rocks to draw their attention. Chant:

Little dragons, rainbow bright,
Good friends of this family,
Send good wishes to us all.
Join our rituals merrily,
Protect us through each day and night.
While awake or while asleep.
Through your love and vigilance,
Do this family safely keep.

Now don't think your going to see dragons all over the place now. You have to earn there trust and with enough time you might catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye. Or feel the presence of one around or maybe even a low growl sound. Give them and yourself time to learn about each other.

By D.J. Conway, an edited version.


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Part of the Dragon Magick Library.


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yes, this does work [i feel i need to state that] it's like a house blessing. the only thing i take issue with is the ''don't call on a chaos Dragon'' part. while i don't work well with chaos Dragons, they're not evil, or really dangerous, just intense [that is the nature of chaos] if you have a very logical mind and have trouble with disorder, don't work with them unless you're ready. if you are use to chaos and don't follow a linear line of thinking you'll have an easier time with chaos Dragons. [granted, i wouldn't pick them as my first choice right out of the gate, but everyones different]

If you want to make friends with dragons or any spiritual being you work with, talk to them. This works as a protection, but not as a dragon friendship spell. Make an altar, leave offerings, say prayers of thanks, and otherwise speak to them as you would a friend.

I would like to ask, does this have to be done in May on a full moon?

Oct 17, 2022
Saying this is by D.J. Conway makes me question if it's actually real because she's a controversial member of the pagan community. [I've read her two books on Dragon magick, and only found 1 thing useful in it] But reading over the spell, I don't see the reason why you need that specific moon. You also don't need a spell to befriend your Guardian Dragon. You befriend your Guardian the same way you would a deity; spend time with them. But, I don't see any harm in trying the spell and seeing how it goes for you.

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