Good Luck / Protection Charm Spell

SpellsBeauty  ► Good Luck  ► Good Luck / Protection Charm Spell
This spell is to create a Good Luck or Protection Charm

Casting Instructions for 'Good Luck / Protection Charm Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 4 Candles - 3 white and 1 green
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Your Charm
  • Clear Head and good intentions
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 4 Candles - 3 white and 1 green
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Your Charm
  • Clear Head and good intentions

Place the white candles in a triangle in front of you with the green candle in the center. Light the candles. Bask your object/charm in the candle light.


Chant 3x: God and Goddesses hear my plea. Protect this (name object) for whom I please. Bring them good luck and prosperity. So mote it be! 


Once done blow out the candles and let your object/charm absorb the smoke by circling it around and through the smoke



There you go! now you have a good luck charm. Please let me know how it worked for you guys. I have done it a couple of times now and it has worked very well every time. Though when you do notice the luck not working so much any more I would recommend doing the spell again. Mine typically last for a couple of months. This spell works for you and your friends. It'll work on any object for anyone!! Thank you and once again I would love feedback!!!


Added to on Oct 17, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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