Spiritual realm

SpellsFantasy  ► Dream  ► Spiritual realm
The spiritual realm is hard to reach. heres how to do it

Casting Instructions for 'Spiritual realm'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A bed
  • You
  • Silence
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A bed
  • You
  • Silence

Lay down close your eyes and see yourself in your own head look around at the dark empty space, for your spiritual house hasn't been discovered yet. look for something. anything,most see a door or gate. Find that thing and act upon it.

Here's the tricky part. Your body will try and keep you so you will think of a zillion other things. Do not lose focus. Push past it. If you do lose focus, no worries. Just start again. Clear your head and begin anew.

Once you make it past that thing, your spiritual home will begin to open itself up to you. you may see yourself in a place you've never seen before but it will feel familiar. This is completely normal because when your soul passes, this is where it goes. 

Finally, explore. Once your house is built go outside and see everything. Meet fairies, sing with mermaids. Become your spirit animal. in the spiritual realm you are free.


Added to on Jun 12, 2018
Last edited on Aug 08, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Okay but how do we get back to this realm once we are done? And will there be other people that we know there? Can we bring things back with us?

Apr 19, 2022
This is a meditation and journey through altering conscious levels of perception. Coming back is as simple and natural as having the desire to do so. Or it will just happen on it's own if you are disturbed/interrupted during the exercise. ...Though being suddenly snapped back can be a bit disorienting. Like being shakensuddenly awake from a deep sleep. It can leave you feeling a bit off-kilter. A simple solution is to take a few mindful breaths to re-center, and maybe some light physical/mundane activity to get your attention grounded again.

Does anyone have any recommendations for keeping focus on these types of spells/astral projection as i have problems focusing and cant stay on one subject for more then five minutes :/

Sep 27, 2022
I tend to have similar issues quite often, and unfortunately the best answer I have found is to just keep at it. It is normal for the mind to wander, or clutter up with random thoughts. When you find yourself drifting you can either take some time to observe and acknowledge them (which can sometimes bring about unexpected realizations) or gently pause your attempt, take a mindful breath, and begin again. The trick is to not try to force it as that just makes the wandering worse. Especially as frustration stirs up emotions that have the complete opposite effect from the relaxation and focus you are after.

A few tips; Cut down or eliminate caffeine and white sugar from your regular diet. (Wean off over a week or two. Both substances can create unpleasant withdrawls). No need to go crazy, just cut out pop coffee and energy drinks, and don't go burying your morning cereal in a cup of sugar. Stimulants wind up the brain.

Get some outside time under natural light before you begin. Away from monitors, phone screens, and halogen bulbs for at least an hour. Even in the evening when it is dark out, just get away from artificial lights in general. Leave your home lights off when you come back and go into your meditation routine.

Try to practice regularly. If not every day, at least at the same time of day every day that you practice. Create a habit for the mind and body through a routine.

Make sure to have adequate rest. If you are over-tired the brain's ability to focus wanes very quickly. Or as you relax you will likely just fall asleep instead of reaching a meditative state.

Relax. No. Seriously. Relax yourself. Physically and mentally. Having troubles swirling around your head is comparable to walking into a roomful of people who all want your attention and start talking at the same time. But don't push away these situations because then the brain just gets louder. Ever tried to ignore a child? The more you do the harder they work to grab your attention until they get it. Give your thoughts the attention they need, then let them go as they become addressed. It can be a slow process... but as time goes on it will clear the mental clutter and help you in far more ways than just no longer being distracted when trying to focus.

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