Magical Mermaid Spell #1 By MysteryMaids
This is a spell that shall be able to make you into a mermaid! If it doesn't work instantly, that's okay! The spell takes time! But you will get your tail soon enough!
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Ingredient #1: A charm (for example, a special keepsake or family treasure, like a necklace or bracelet, but it has to have a special meaning or connection to you)
- Ingredient #2: A bowl of water (it doesn't matter what size or texture, it just has to be a bowl of water)
- Ingredient #3: Two small pieces of paper (Notebook, Copy Paper, or Parchment Paper is recommended)
- Ingredient #4: Two Sea Shells (doesn't matter what kind or size, they just have to be real)
- Ingredient #5: Salt (Sea salt works best, but if you don't have sea salt, perfectly fine! Any type of salt will do)
- Ingredient #6: A bath tub/shower
- Optional Indredients:
- A Towel (to dry off with)
- Moon Phase Chart (recommended)
Casting Instructions for 'Magical Mermaid Spell #1 By MysteryMaids'
New Beginnings ritual kit

New Beginnings ritual kit
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Spell Instructions:
First, you'll need to know the next upcoming full moon, so a moon phase calendar is recommended. But if you already know when the next full moon is, go ahead with the spell! If not, I suggest you go look it up online! The spell should be preformed on the night of a full moon, if it isn't, the spell either might not work or could go wrong.
Next, it must be nighttime when you perform the spell. For example, the sun must be fully set and the moon must be visible. If it is cloudy and you cannot see the moon or stars, that's a probable sign that the spell might not work.
Then, get the bowl of water and two pieces of paper. Take the pieces of paper and write down the following things in pen ink:
First Paper - Your Horoscope and Zodiac Symbol
Second Paper - Your Full Name, Date of Birth, and Favorite Color
After you do that, put both pieces of paper face down (that means you cannot see the ink) into the water. They must not overlap each other, or else this will effect the outcome of the spell.
After they are in the water, carefully place the two sea shells on top of the pieces of paper. If the shells are too big or two heavy and the paper sinks, then it's best not to use those shells.
Next, put on you charm. If the charm is not wearable, don't use it. The charms can be the types of things listed below. If the following you want to use is not mentioned, don't use it. Also, the charm must have some special value, or sentimental value. If it doesn't, the spell won't work. You may use the following types of wearable charms:
*Friendship Necklace
*Charm Necklace
*Friendship Bracelet
*Charm Bracelet
*Wedding Ring
*Friendship Ring
*Diamond Ring
*Any type of jewelry including an Aquamarine
Now that you put on you charm, take the two pieces of paper out of the water. Don't take off the sea shells first, you must slide the paper out from underneath the shells and let the shells either sink into the water or leave them to float there (depending on the weight of the shell). After you place the pieces of paper down onto the surface of whatever you are putting them on, you must make sure it's face-up, so you can see the ink. Then take out the shells and place one down on each piece of paper again.
After this has been done, start your bath or shower. Before you get in, put the salt in the bowl of water and bring it with you, as well as the shells. When getting into the bath tub or shower, make sure that you don't take off your charm, or else the spell won't work. When in the shower/tub, pour the salty water on you (chest-down, which means from your chest to your feet) and then rub it around your body. Your head, your arms, your legs, and such. Next, sit down and place the shells on your knees. Hold your charm and recite the spell. The spell is long, so if you have trouble memorizing it, take a piece of paper with you with the words on it so you can recite the following spell:
''Bavverissi, great water deity, I request, I plea, I beg, I plead for a favor to be done. A wish that I want granted. Walking on land is pleasurable, but I crave more. The ocean, great waves and tides, a whirlpool of mystery and chaos, I wish to plunge into. I hunger for more knowledge, I desire to be one with the waves. I desire to be one of many of you, a maiden of the deep. A tail, I wish to have. Each (Favorite Color) scale shall glimmer in the light, and it will be powerful, so I can swim at accelerated paces. A voice, so pure and delicate, yet sweet pitched, a voice to grab anyone's attention, a voice to attract affection with each octave I sing. A wish I've wished for so long, let it be fulfilled. I offer my (Charm) as the item I shall use to transform. If I ever lose it, I shall lose your trust and I shall lose all power. I privilege I will not take advantage of, as I pledge to take this plunge into your world, and see what others are missing. Bavverissi, answer my call, I shall be forever in debt, and will repay you and follow your every command. Thank you, I wish to be with you soon.''
After you recite this spell, continue on with your bath/shower. For the next following month, you cannot take off your charm, no matter what. As days pass, the side effects will kick in, meaning the spell is working.
Side Effects:
Itchy Legs and Feet
Tingly Legs and Feet
The unusual desire to cross your legs more often
Wobbly Legs
Legs going numb
The desire to swim more
Unusual thirst
Craving of salt
The desire to sing more
Dreaming of the ocean, mermaids, or aquatic stuff
Legs and feet starting to feel more callused and rough
The desire to keep your legs closer together
The desire to shower or bathe more
Breathing more slowly
The length, volume, and density of your hair increasing
The craving of fish to lessen (that is if you like fish)
The craving of seaweed to intensify (you know, those dry edible seaweed things that you can buy? Yeah, stuff like that)
If these side effects are starting to happen to you, don't worry! It's perfectly normal after you perform the spell. If your legs start to hurt, that is just the process of your scales starting to develop. I hope you try this out, and I hope you all become a mermaid!
(To become human again, wait until your legs dry. If you ever lose your charm, you will never be able to turn back into a mermaid. If you take it off, there's only a matter of time until all essence of the powers to transform again completely vanish. Hope you try it out, and see you all later my mystery mermaids! ~Mia/MysteryMaids
MysteryMaids has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Jan 23, 2016
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