Gay Love Spell

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SpellsHealth  ► Attraction  ► Gay Love Spell
Enchant your desired and have him be yours.

Casting Instructions for 'Gay Love Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Honey
  • Cinnamon Powder
  • Cotton Balls
  • White Sheet of Paper
  • Red Pen
  • Preferably the Waxing Moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Honey
  • Cinnamon Powder
  • Cotton Balls
  • White Sheet of Paper
  • Red Pen
  • Preferably the Waxing Moon


On the white sheet of paper write your name and last name. Under yours write down his full name then create a circle around them. Take the cotton and dab it with honey then rub it around the circle. Dont get TOO much honey either just dab  it and surround the circle on the paper with it. Grab the cinnamon powder and say "With the Cinnamon sprinkled, my spell is now complete. To bring attraction from this man towards me" Sprinkle the cinnamon around and inside the circle on the paper. Then fold the paper in half then in half again making a square. Keep it with you in your wallot or pocket at all times and the relationship will start flourishing.  


Added to on Mar 11, 2013
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.


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Does this work for lesbians?

Sep 04, 2019
Most likely, I’m going to try it and you can too.

Oct 01, 2019
I'm not lesbian, but I'm bi. Does it work for bi people?

Dec 16, 2019
I'm Lesbian, I'm going to try

Dec 16, 2019
any love spell can work for any sexual orientation or gender identity. the key is to focus on your desired goal [if there's a person you like, focus on them. if there's nobody but a general ''i would like to date someone like this'' focus on that] you can edit spells slightly to work for you.

What if your adopted do you put your real name or adopted name or does it matter?

Feb 01, 2020
Whatever name you identify as is your name.

now with the name would this have to be the bio name?

Omg thank you! I’m a lesbian, and I’ve been having a hard time finding someone that I like and am interested in, much less and lesbian love spellls.

im gay this will be intresting i looking for a spell like this one

I'm surely going to try this,,,

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