Return to Me Candle Spell

SpellsHealth  ► Attraction  ► Return to Me Candle Spell
Candles spells have some pretty powerful magic to them. Especially when you are looking for ''reunite lovers spells''.

Casting Instructions for 'Return to Me Candle Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 pink, red or white candle
  • Vanilla oil
  • Red yarn or string
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 pink, red or white candle
  • Vanilla oil
  • Red yarn or string
Use something sharp to inscribe your initials on the candle (approximately half way down), and then your loved one's initials over top yours. Not above, but actually write over the first letters. Then anoint the candle with vanilla oil.

Tie the string around the candle with a bow so that the know lies over where the initials are carved. Light the candle and let it burn until it reaches where the carving is. Blow it out gently, and set it on your altar with the intention of finishing it when your loved one returns. Add a little oil to the initials each day until then.


Added to on Nov 26, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Would vanilla extract work with this spell if you can not find vanilla oil?

Jan 01, 2025
If you cannot find vanilla oil, look for pure vanilla extract over artificial. However, work with what you have. If you only have a vanilla candle it will work. The most Magikal energy is from the vanilla bean itself, but as long as you have something vanilla, it should still work because you are incorporating it in some capacity. It is similar to fresh vegetables, frozen vegetables, or canned vegetables. They all contain some level of nutrients, but fresh would be the best choice.

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