Opening of the ''First Gate of Madness''

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SpellsHealth  ► Teleportation  ► Opening of the ''First Gate of Madness''
A spell to open the first gate of madness into the abyss. Helpful in Necromancy and Curses.

Casting Instructions for 'Opening of the ''First Gate of Madness'''

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 Black candles
  • A Black mirror
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 Black candles
  • A Black mirror
To begin the spell, Seal thyself in a simple circle, with each candle on opposing sides of thyself. Place the mirror before you, within the circle. To begin the calling, light the candle to thy left, and chant, ''Nexus Oucara, Fuormata exz Iontoara, Krotos...'' Now the gate[the mirror] hast been opened. To keep unwanted beings from traversing the gate, chant ''Wualu aht Khemahra Femata exz Kruotiis...'' and the beings art bound. To close the gate, call out ''Severaus dit Cata, Zaeiros Yiefan Srevan!'' and light the candle to your right. Then destry the mirror with cleansing flame.


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If this is a skrying thing or a way to open a spiritual gate in your mind, fine. You cannot physically enter this gate.

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