Sex for Straight Men

SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Sex for Straight Men
A chant to get you a potential mate.

Casting Instructions for 'Sex for Straight Men'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Some pink and blue candles
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Some pink and blue candles

Chant three times: "Love me, love me. Please I want sex with a woman of my choosing. She will crave my body, she will want my love. I want to mate with the woman of my dreams, so mote it be".


Added to on Feb 22, 2013
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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what if your gay guy what colors would be beast?

Jun 14, 2020
Blue. The pink is representing female and blue male. Just use two blue candles. If you like a specific person and you know their favourite colour, you could use that colour candle and carve their name into it, or just go with white as a default colour. [or, the third option, buy a penis-shaped candle, charge it with energy, visualize your desired goal, and use that for your love spells]

would it be ok to use white candles instead?

Oct 14, 2021
Yes, white candles can be used, though I would consider carving the names of the individuals into the candles. One for one person and the other for the other. This way the individuals are in a way connected to the working.

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