Bigger Butt Spell 2016 ~My Spell~

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Bigger Butt Spell 2016 ~My Spell~
I'm Gonna Try This Out After Spring Break But If This Works Message Me My YouTube Is BeautyRuler And Beauty.Ruler

Casting Instructions for 'Bigger Butt Spell 2016 ~My Spell~'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your But, Know How To Do Squats, Belief,Eating Healthy, You Can Do This Any Time Any Day Any Moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your But, Know How To Do Squats, Belief,Eating Healthy, You Can Do This Any Time Any Day Any Moon
Do 5 Slow Squats While Saying ''My Butt Is Not How I Want It I Want It Lifted I Want It Fatter I Want It Bigger My But Is Not How I Want It So Make It How I Want It So Mote Of Be!'' Say It Once.

Say That Everyday While Doing 5 Squats Until Your But Is How You Wanted It.

Side Effects:
Butt Hurting
Thighs Hurting

I Didn't Test This Out But I'm Sure This Works.


Added to on Apr 01, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I might as well just work out everyday.

Nov 30, 2019
you should. spells of this nature work more as motivators instead of quick fixes. you should visualize your goal and charge energy as you chant, this should bring faster results than simply exercising without the spell [look into the law of attraction]

Technically, it works, but you need to do more than 5 squats a day and say ''I want my butt to look different.'' I would also change the chant. Manifestation should be positive and stated as if it has already occurred. Saying you do not like how your butt looks and it will improve will weaken the energy. Instead, say ''Working out, day by day, I improve in every way'' or ''strength is mine, firm and round.'' This charges the energy to help bring the desired change while also working towards your goal. This is how diet spells work.

dont forget to take protein after

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