Banish Bad Lovers

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Banish Bad Lovers
This is a spell from my own personal book of shadows, which works to banish a bad lover.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candles
  • One glove of Garlic
  • Black writing paper
  • Chalk
  • Salt

Casting Instructions for 'Banish Bad Lovers'


This spell is to be done on a waning moon (meaning we are getting rid of things that piss us off because the moon is getting smaller and as she passes away she takes these awful things away from us.)

Light all your candles and gather your equiptment. You will need your black paper and chalk first. write down all the qualities you dislike in your lovers (past and present) that keep returning to you over and over. Are you fed up of meeting losers who expect you to pay for dinner? Are you sick arriving at your boyfriends house to find he's spent all day playing on his X box and doesn't want to leave the house? And the man you dated who was looking over your shoulder at the woman in the low cut top behind you instead of looking you in the eye? Yes. All annoying things, I'm sure you don't need any advise from me on what to write.

When you have written your list say "Oh, great and powerful spirts of night I ask you remove this evil from my life." Sound bold and stern and you say this. You are saying you're not putting up with this any longer.

As you do put a big cross though the black paper using your glove of garlic, feel anger as you do so. You want to cross and "X" out all these personality traits that seem to keep appearing in your lovers. If you have photographs showing examples of people doing things you hate - all the better. You can use photographs off the internet of appearance traits too, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you want to get rid of men who wear tracksuits in public and have beer bellies this is a great time to get rid. You should only have the best after all.

Tear all the pictures you have and as you do so say: "You caused me pain, misery and strife, you shall no longer enter my life. I am worthy of treatment much better, I have no place for you in my world."

Dig yourself a nice deep hole, it's better to pick somewhere that isn't near your living quarters and a place you might never return to as a way of distancing yourself from crappy boyfriends. Bury the torn up paper and as you do so thank the spirts. "Thank you Spirts of the night for your blessing of banishment."

Scatter your salt over the earth where you have buried your torn up pieces of paper. As with all my spells, forget about your casting, the sooner you do the sooner you will get your results. Focus on the postitive from now on. We no longer say "I don't want liars in my life" We say "I only want people who tell the truth." Try it and see.


Added to on Nov 17, 2012
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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