Negativity Banishing

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Negativity Banishing
To banish all negative energies.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 white, silver or gold candles
  • 1 black candle
  • Small cup of water
  • Small bowl of salt
  • 1 cast iron cauldron
  • 1 wooden cutting board
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Matches
  • Athame/Wand/Sword

Casting Instructions for 'Negativity Banishing'


Perform this spell on a night when the moon is in a waning phase. This ritual may be performed by either a coven or a solitary practitioner of Wicca, and it can easily be adapted to suit the personal needs of the individual for whom it is being performed.

Place two white candles (or one silver and one gold) upon your altar to represent the Goddess and the Horned God. Between these candles place any type of black candle. This candle will help to absorb the negative energies that are around and possibly within you, and transform them into positive ones. Also on the alter, place a small cup of water and a small bowl containing salt (preferably sea salt) for consecration purposes, a cast-iron cauldron (or other fire proof pot), a stand for the cauldron (or a wooden cutting board to be placed underneath it to prevent it from scorching anything), rubbing alcohol, and matches.

Using an athame (a ritual knife), wand, sword, or besom (another name for a witch's broom), cast a clockwise circle and say: “By the motion of the sun This magick circle I create. O ancient elements, one by one I summon to participate: Spirits of the Air, Guardians of the East; Spirits of the Fire, Guardians of the South; Spirits of the Water, Guardians of the West; Spirits of the Earth, Guardians of the North”. Sprinkle a bit of the water and salt around the sacred space you have just created, and say: “With water and salt I consecrate This sacred temple of magick great”. Light the white (or silver and gold) candles and say: “I invoke thee O great Goddess, Mother of the silver moon, I invoke thee O great Horned One, Father of the golden sun, Into this circle I invite Thy sacred shining light of white”.

Visualize the circle around you glowing bright with divine energy in the form of white light. Let it surround you, and open yourself up to feel its loving, healing, negativity-banishing warmth. Taking slow, deep breaths, visualize breathing the white light into your body and then breathing out all that is negative in the form of black smoke. Each time you inhale the white light and then exhale, see the black smoke grow less dark. Continue the white light breathing visualization technique until you feel completely cleansed of all inner negativity and you see only pure white light as you exhale. Light the black candle, and say: “As the moon wanes and grows darker, so shall all negativity grow smaller and smaller until it fades away and is no more. Let love be the power to banish all negativity so that positive energy can once again prevail”.

If needed, you may add additional requests to the prayer such as: “Let love be the power to overturn bad luck and bring prosperity in all aspects of life. Let love be the power to heal all past regrets and turn all sorrow back to happiness. Let love be the power to transform all feelings of anxiety into peace of mind”. Pour a bit of the rubbing alcohol (about a quarter cup) into the cauldron. (WARNING: Be sure that the cauldron is resting on its stand or on a wooden cutting board, and is not near any flammable substances or things that can easily catch fire, such as drapes!) Light a match and drop it into the cauldron to make it flame. Repeat the following magickal rhyme over and over until the fire in the cauldron burns itself completely out (which should take approximately three minutes).

Finally say, “All that is bad now be banished! All that is negative now must vanish!” Give thanks in your own words to the four spirits of the elements and then bid them farewell. Next, give thanks in your own words to the Goddess and the Horned God, and then bid them farewell. Uncast the circle in a counterclockwise motion, and say: This magick rite is now complete. This magick circle is now uncast. So mote it be!

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Last edited on Jul 16, 2014
Part of the Penta Magic Library.


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If you can help me block voices from being inside my head. I don't believe in esp because it prevents your destiny.

Feb 01, 2023
Marnieiglus, I suggest seeking help from a psychologist. What you describe is not something a spell like the one you commented on can help.

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