Simple Cleansing

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Simple Cleansing
I learned this from an employee at a spiritual shop/cent near my apartment, but I have added a couple steps myself. I find it a quick and easy way to cleans anything from a room to a piece of jewelry and is easy to perform regardless of spell casting experience.

Casting Instructions for 'Simple Cleansing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sage
  • Bowl, shell, or something to hold the sage in
  • Matches/lighter
  • A black candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sage
  • Bowl, shell, or something to hold the sage in
  • Matches/lighter
  • A black candle

Step 1: If cleansing a room, building ,or home put it in the most center point of the room/building/home, if  not then place it on the most center point of your alter (a table is okay if you do not have an alter).  

Step 2: Light the candle with a match/lighter

Step 3: Light the sage using the candle and let it burn for a few seconds

Step 4: After letting  the sage burn for a few seconds blow it out and place it in the item you are using  to hold the sage

Step 5: Fan the sage smoke in the direction of  the item. If blessing a room/building/home make sure to walk around while doing this and fan the smoke into all the corners and under any furniture

Side Note: If blessing a room/building/home you might have to relight the sage 1-2 times depending on the room/building/home size and the brand/size of the sage

Step 6: While fanning the smoke state the following quote out loud at least 3 times and repeat if necessary 

"I cleans this ________ of any negative energy which may be embedded within its matrix"



Added to on May 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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