New Years Purification

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► New Years Purification
Smudge your home of negativity

Casting Instructions for 'New Years Purification'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Smudge Stick
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Smudge Stick

Light the end smudge stick on fire. Let it burn for a few seconds, then blow it out. Let there be a smoking ember on the end. Place the smudge stick in your fire-proof bowl. Take the feather and use it to waft the smoke around you. Move slowly from room to room in your house, wafting smoke and thinking peaceful thoughts. Visualise the smoke going out an open window and taking with it all the negativity in each room. Visualise the energy of the sage as a white light bringing peace and tranquility into your home. If you want you can say:



"I cleanse and consecrate thee in the name of the Goddess and the God. May their blessings reside within thee."



When you're done your house, waft the smoke over yourself, visualising it as purifying you. Visualise the white light surrounding you, and banishing any lingering negativity from the past year. So mote it be. (ps- don't forget to open your windows so you don't asphixiate yourself, and be sure to extinguish the smudge stick when you're finished!)


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Last edited on May 31, 2016
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