Heather Besom

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Heather Besom
An old English ritual to chase negative spirits from your home.

Casting Instructions for 'Heather Besom'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A besom or other broom
  • An incense stick
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A besom or other broom
  • An incense stick
There are many traditions linked to the besom, or broom, not least its association with witches. In medieval England, besoms were regarded as essentially feminine tools, and if a woman wished to show she was not at home, she set a broom outside her door. Made from birch, heather, or broom twigs, they were used in gypsy marriages. Known as ''broomstick weddings,'' the ceremony involved the couple jumping back and forth over the broom, holding hands all the while, before a rush ring was placed on the girl's finger. Besoms are still available commercially, but any broom will do if you have difficulty finding a besom.

Perform this spell on a waning moon. Starting at the highest room in your home, sweep backward through each doorway, symbolically chasing out all bad feelings. At the Threshold to your home, sweep backward with a vengeance, then hold the besom aloft and shake it three times into the wind, turning in a counterclockwise direction and saying:
''Spirits fly with the wind;
Be banished from my way.''
Finish the spell by lighting the incense stick in the center of your home to sweeten the atmosphere.


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This does work. You can also hang a bessom above your entrance to keep negativity out. Cinnamon bessoms are a common one, and are easy to find in the autumn months. Cinnamon bring good fortune as well as protection.

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