Brand New Vampire

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SpellsLife  ► Death  ► Brand New Vampire
Become a vampire in a short time but dont use any spells before or after for a month for it to work.

Casting Instructions for 'Brand New Vampire'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blood
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blood

Get a sharp object an prick your finger or any area were blood present. Trace an X on your neck in your own blood and then say this chant.

"Vampires of dreams,
Vampires of night.
I ask thee to invite me
Into your sight.
With uncontrolling thirst
I shall forever be
Made to be a vampire
For all eternity".


Added to on Aug 21, 2012
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Acquaintance with Darkness Library.


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How long does it take to work

Mar 21, 2019
It won't work. You can't become a mythical creature, or otherwise with magick.

people need to see whats magick is

Jul 06, 2019
Very true, Magic cannot physically transform you since Magic does not contradict nature, and physical vampires are not real. Too bad some people refuse to accept reality.

Sep 13, 2024
This I agree with. It's also why I listen to people like Tadashi

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