Dark Reflection
Legends about mirrors have been around for hundreds of years. In particular, some ancient civilizations believed that there was a sort of purifying effect to mirrors. They believed that, by looking one's reflection in the eyes, it would transfer a person's negative energy into the reflection in the mirror. They believed that this had a cleansing effect, but also hidden dangers. That's why breaking a mirror has been known to cause bad luck. If this is true, then every time you look into a mirror you are transferring negative energy into it. When you break the mirror, that negative energy is released and causes bad luck for everyone around it.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A mirror
- 1 candle of any color
- something to light the candle with
- Optional*
- A friend to preform with
Casting Instructions for 'Dark Reflection'
Candle Colors
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In order to begin, you must look your reflection in the eyes; transferring your negative energy into the mirror. You then need to fog up the mirror with your breath. By breathing into the mirror, you are symbolically linking yourself to the mirror and its negative energy inside. Everyone in the group needs to do the same before heading to the next step. After this is completed, you can light the candle. Use the candle to burn the mirror, this agitates the negative energy inside the mirror. This only needs to be done for a few seconds OR until there is a noticeable black mark on the mirror. Keep in mind, the longer you do this, the more agitated the negative energy gets.
After this, the final step is breaking the mirror. Once this step is done, start running. It's actually a common misconception that, when a person breaks a mirror, they will be followed by bad luck. This is not true. When a mirror is broken, the bad energy stays in one spot, near the broken mirror, until it eventually dissipates. Or, at least, normally it does.
If you completed the above steps, then you have tied yourself to the negative energies, through the medium of your breath. This means that the negative energy will pursue you wherever you go. This is why I said earlier that it would be best to complete this ritual with a group. If there is only one person doing this ritual, then all the negative energy will pursue that one person, but if there is a group, then the negative energy will be spread more thinly. This increases your odds of survival. Bad luck will follow you throughout the night. At first, it will start out as small incidents, a chipped nail or a flat tire. The incidents will begin to escalate though as increasingly horrific things begin to happen around you. Eventually, these incidents will become life threatening, no matter how many people you did the ritual with. Like I said, don't start this ritual unless you're planning to finish it.
The only piece of advice I can give you for surviving the night is to remember that the negative energy is linked to you through your breath. Your breath is how the negative energy detects you and so, if you find yourself in a bad situation, try holding your breath. This should make you temporarily invisible to it. Of course, you can only hold your breath for so long.
The bad luck will chase you throughout the night, but if you manage to survive until dawn, not only will you find that your run of foul luck has ended, but that a new streak of good luck is about to begin. The first lights of dawn have a special, purifying property. If you survive until the morning, then the negative energy inside the mirror will be purified and will re-enter your body, filling you to the brim with positive energy. After this, everything will seem to go your way. You'll find that people are generally nicer to you and that the opposite sex are extremely attracted to you (or the same sex, if that's your thing). You will succeed at everything you do, whether it be a job interview, an important exam, or a business venture. I would highly suggest buying a lottery ticket.
One more thing I should probably warn you about is the timing of the ritual. The ritual needs to be started after sunset and with at least six hours until dawn. Two common tricks that people try to use in regards to this ritual are starting during the daytime and starting a few minutes before dawn. Starting near dawn is probably the least dangerous of these little cheats. If you start near the dawn then the negative energy will not have enough time to fully manifest before being purified. The energy will then simply dissipate into the air rather than doing anything and you will probably walk away thinking it was all a gigantic hoax. Starting during the day is more dangerous. People start during the day thinking that the daylight will instantly nuke the bad energy and keep them safe. This is not true. Notice that I said it was the lights of dawn that have the purifying power, not the light of day. By starting during the day, you actually give the bad luck more time to pursue you and thus decrease your odds of survival significantly.
WillowCaster has been a member of the site for 9 years, since May 31, 2016
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on Jun 12, 2016
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
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Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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