Split your Soul

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SpellsLife  ► Death  ► Split your Soul
Split your soul as many times as possible

Casting Instructions for 'Split your Soul'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candles
  • dead rose petals
  • wand
  • voice
  • concentration
  • objects to place your soul into
  • 5 other people that also are splitting thier soul
  • outside
  • midnight
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candles
  • dead rose petals
  • wand
  • voice
  • concentration
  • objects to place your soul into
  • 5 other people that also are splitting thier soul
  • outside
  • midnight

Go outside at exactly midnight with 5 other people and place the objects on the ground. Then place a candle to beside each object light the candles and put them in a circle take the dead rose petals and place them on the flame of the candles you and the 5 other people take out your wands concentrate on the flame and chant:


"Deathly hour use our power take our soul and split it(then the number of times your splitting) times at a deathly toll this is my wish so mote it be."


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Last edited on Sep 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot split your soul.

Don't attempt this! It will form another you like an evil twin!

Jun 24, 2020
Roleplaying is against site rules. You can't split your soul, it's who you are.

Can you perform it by yourself without the other people and by split your soul does it mean possess the object like a clone almost?

Feb 04, 2025
Sorry, but you can't split your soul. If you're trying to remove a part of yourself [a painful memory or emotion you can't control] you can try freezer spells or locking this emotion into an object, but you'll eventually need to confront it because all you're doing is locking it inside your shadow [the subconscious part of us where we store things we view as negative or painful] when left unchecked, your shadow can bubble to the surface and cause you to act in ways that harm you. Example, you want to be known as a good person. Your friend points out you were rude to a stranger, this causes you to yell at your friend. This is how your shadow reacts. If you're struggling and need to stop a bad habit, or can't deal with a painful experience, you can lock it away with a spell, but you'll eventually need to unlock it when you're ready to heal. [locking it away is a bandage, not a solution] Another thing which is possible is to charge objects with magickal energy to use as a type of battery for later [but that's not the same as splitting your soul in two] Since you mentioned a clone, you might be thinking of a thoughtform, servitor, or turning an object into a ward. These are energy techniques where you program the energy to exist outside of yourself. Each one comes with various levels of what it can/can't do and how long they last. [begin with thoughtforms and work your way up] This isn't a part of your soul, it's energy manipulation, but you could create a servitor or thoughtform to be like an imaginary best friend [imaginary friends are thoughtforms. You've put enough energy and belief into something being real, it exists. Once you stop feeding it energy, it vanishes. That's a thoughtform]

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