Lucky Charm or Jewelry

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SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Lucky Charm or Jewelry
Make an object or piece of jewelry turn into a lucky charm. (This is my second produced spell, it may not work yet.)

Casting Instructions for 'Lucky Charm or Jewelry'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Object or piece of jewelry
  • Flat surface (floor, table)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Object or piece of jewelry
  • Flat surface (floor, table)

Put the object or jewelry in the middle of the flat surface. Say this chant while focusing on the object-

"This object lies in front of me
The amount of luck shall travel through me
And for a time, lucky it will be
So mote it be!"

After whispering these words, you should carry or wear the object for a full ten minutes. Then, the object will give you luck (for an undetermined amount of time).


Added to on May 30, 2016
Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This spell works! I used it on a bracelet. I chanted the spell multiple times and wore it all day. The luck that came to me was: a very positive experience in an A.A. meeting and I shared with my roommates that I’m a witch and got very positive results.

I just was using this spell again today and after I finished chanting on my second item (a pair of sunglasses) I immediately puked without warning. Very powerful spell

Mar 27, 2020
I am not sick or feeling nauseous

Apr 08, 2020
Do you think it will work with a watch?

Apr 09, 2020
You can enchant any object, so a watch should be fine.

how do u use the charm.

I don't wanna puke lol. But ill try it. How long does it last or do u need to preform the spell everyday

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