Astral Travel

SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Astral Travel
This powder for Astral Travel will help you, before you set out on your Journey

Casting Instructions for 'Astral Travel'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cinnamon Powder
  • Mugwort Powder
  • Sandlewood Powder
  • Arrowroot Powder
  • A bowl Glass, Ceramic, or Metal
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cinnamon Powder
  • Mugwort Powder
  • Sandlewood Powder
  • Arrowroot Powder
  • A bowl Glass, Ceramic, or Metal

Blend  all the herbs together, in the bowl. Sprinkle on your bed sheets. Before you go off on you Astral Travel, Day or Night.


Added to on Mar 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Herbs alone won't help you with AP. It can soothe your mind, helping you to get into the meditative state needed for it, but alone it wont do much.

Apr 24, 2020
I agree with you. You can place an intention upon the herbs and study about why they are beneficial to AP to start. I think that the author of this spell should expand upon it more because just sprinkling herbs on your bed will def not guarantee AP.

Jul 06, 2022
It will if u use levendar jasman honey and use necromancy spirits of the dead if u know magick u know

Mar 10, 2025
This is just a general question about astral travel. Is it possible to travel to the astral realm and just stay there and never come back and if it's not would it be possible to do something to ensure that you go to the astral realm once you die

Mar 10, 2025
Another question. I keep seeing these things on Etsy and other places about personal astral realms and direct and vessel bindings and spirit companions and other things and I was wondering if any of this was real in magic

I have a question (well, two). How do you astral travel and astral project or are they the same thing?

Dec 25, 2020
Not to say ''Google it'' but google beginner guides to astral projection to find the technique that works best for you. [it's a long answer I don't want to put in the spell comments for formatting reasons] Astral projection [ap for short] and astral travel are kind of the same thing. Projection occurs when your astral form leaves your physical form. Astral travel is when your astral form goes places in the ethereal/astral planes. As for this specific spell, the blend might help you transition into the relaxed state required for ap, but the herbs alone won't make you project.

I recommend motherwort. As i rebember successful first attempt

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