Mess up Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Fertility  ► Mess up Spell
To mess someones spell up.

Casting Instructions for 'Mess up Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Say: "You will mess up (name) you little cow!" 


Added to on Jan 09, 2016
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this work or is it just an insult

Oct 17, 2020
Just an insult. Spells are like food, it will nourish your body even when bland, like bread or rice, or water. But if you mix it up with herbs, and other stuff like that, it becomes a delicious(or powerful) feast. However, you can't just mix up Oreo cookies, water, and mud and call it food (If you do consider that food, consider getting a mental evaluation). The Oreo cookies and water is just like this spell, terrible. It might work, try it if you want, but it won't do something big. Probably something little, like spill a bit of water or put in one more leaf then needed. A glass of water (spells with no ingredients other then words or imagination) would be more tasty then this, and water is tasteless! Literally!

Oct 17, 2020
MoonFury is correct. As is, it probably won't work. If you build on it, it might. Charge energy, visualize, maybe use a black candle, and chant this insult, it'll be more likely to work than if you just say it once and walk away.

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